Book Launch 27th October 2015

On the morning of October 27th, the Metabolic Outpatients Department was transformed for the ‘premiere’ launch of the new book developed by Jill Moore (Play Specialist) and Jenny McNulty (Dietitian). The new book is called ‘Penny and Paul have PKU’ and is designed to educate children on the importance of the synthetic protein in the management […]

Metabolic Website Launch

The official launch of the metabolic website took place in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital on 15 October 2015.  Dr. Ellen Crushell, Metabolic Consultant, led proceedings with members of the NCIMD.  Other healthcare professionals and parents were in attendance.  It was a huge success.  

HCU Day 17th October 2015

Nutricia have organised an event for patients with HCU for Saturday 17th October 2015. The event includes a cookery demonstration and a medical update on HCU. If you are interested in attending, please see the information attached: HCU Saturday 17th October. Contact Nutricia on 1800 300 414 or email: to reserve your place.


Sapropterin (Kuvan®) is a drug manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Merck Serono, which is useful in some variants of PKU, usually in addition to dietary treatment. In fact a small number of Irish patients were involved in the original clinical trial for this medication here at NCIMD. This medication is currently not funded by the […]