
Dr Ellen Crushell 23-6-16 xxxxxx-1Dr. Ellen Crushell(MB, BCh, BAO, MRCPI (Paed), FFPAED)

Prof. Ellen Crushell, a UCC graduate, qualified as a general paediatrician prior to further specialising in Inherited Metabolic Disorders. She trained at the National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) and then completed a senior clinical fellowship in Metabolic Genetics at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, prior to taking up her current consultant post at NCIMD, CHI at Temple st and Crumlin. She served a term as Dean of the Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI 2017-2020. Since 2020 she has been clinical lead for children with the HSE/RCPI National Clinical Programme for Paediatrics and Neonatology.

Ellen is a Clinical Professor with UCD and enjoys teaching. Clinical and research interests include Infantile Liver Failure Syndromes, Lysosomal Storage Disorders, and the health of marginalised children, who are over-represented in the metabolic service. She and colleagues are involved in international collaborative studies and metab-ERN.

Hughes Dr Joanne Portrait 12-8-16-1Dr. Joanne Hughes Consultant Metabolic Paediatrician, NCIMD, Temple Street

Dr. Joanne Hughes is a Consultant Paediatrician with an interest in Inherited Metabolic Disorders.  Dr. Hughes has worked at the National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital since July 2011.

Previously Dr. Hughes had worked as a Consultant Metabolic Paediatrician in Belfast for over 3 years.  She trained in Paediatrics and metabolic disorders in Northern Ireland and Temple Street Children’s Hospital and then further specialised in inherited metabolic disorders at Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Since taking up the post in the NCIMD, she has developed a Metabolic Outreach Clinic in Limerick, with more outreach clinics planned around the country.


Prof Ina Knerr 23-6-16 xxxxxx-1Prof. Ina Knerr (MD, PD, FRCPI)

Professor Ina Knerr is a consultant metabolic paediatrician at the National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) in Dublin. She has been a consultant in paediatric metabolic medicine for almost 20 years. For over 10 years of these, she held this position at Children’s University Hospital in Erlangen-Nuremberg, and then at The Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and, after moving to Ireland, at the NCIMD in Dublin. She has full registration with the Irish Medical Council; furthermore, she was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Faculty of Paediatrics, in 2013. Having studied at the University of Frankfurt/Main, she qualified as a consultant in the specialist areas of Paediatrics, Endocrinology and Paediatric Metabolic Medicine, and she went on to obtain a higher academic qualification in Germany, PD/’habilitation’. Her research activities include a number of collaborative projects as well as research stays in the United States (in Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., and at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda).

Professor Ina Knerr is the Chairperson of the Irish Society of Inherited Metabolic Disorders (ISIMD), communicating editor for the Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (JIMD), and a council member of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM). Professor Ina Knerr is the Chairperson of the local organizing committee for the SSIEM Annual Symposium in Dublin in 2027.

In conclusion, she is passionate about Paediatric Metabolic Medicine and patient care. She is committed to making her very best personal contribution to the direction and development of this discipline.


Dr M bioProf. A.A. Monavari MBChB, DCH, MRCP (UK), FRCPCH, FF Peads RCPI

Prof. Monavari has more than 20 years experience in Inherited Metabolic Disorders in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada.  He has been a permanent consultant in The National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) for more than 10 years.  He is the Clinical Director of the NCIMD.  Prof. Monavari is President and co-founder of the Irish Society of Inherited Metabolic Disorders (ISIMD).

Prof. Monavari is interested in all Inherited Metabolic Disorders.  His clinical and research interests include Glutaric Aciduria, Urea Cycle Defects, and Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD).



Dr Caoimhe Howard MB BCh BAO MRCPI (Paeds)

Dr Caoimhe Howard joined the National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) as a Locum Consultant Metabolic Paediatrician in 2022. She completed her paediatrics training through the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in 2021. She has undertaken several years of specialist training in metabolic medicine at the NCIMD, followed by a Clinical Fellowship in Biochemical Genetics at the British Columbia Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. 

Dr Howard’s clinical and research interests include primary mitochondrial disorders. She runs an outreach clinic in Cork University Hospital 4 times a year. She has a keen interest in medical education and leads the metabolic teaching programme at the NCIMD.


Dr. Ritma Boruah (MD)

Dr Ritma Boruah joined the National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) as a Locum Consultant Metabolic Paediatrician in 2020. She completed her paediatric training in Latvia in 2012 and subsequently worked as a General Paediatrician and Emergency Department Paediatrician in Children’s University Hospital in Latvia. After moving to Ireland, she trained in metabolic disorders in the NCIMD.

Dr. Boruah is interested in all Inherited Metabolic Disorders. Her clinical and research interests include Lysosomal Storage Disorders, Primary Mitochondrial Disorders and Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders.