The National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) is the Irish tertiary referral centre for children with inherited metabolic (biochemical genetic) disorders. We diagnose and care for patients affected by inherited metabolic disorders with a holistic and family-centred approach. The NCIMD is a full member of MetabERN.
MetabERN is a European Reference Network of metabolic care providers across EU countries. Its aim is to facilitate access to the best available care and to address the needs of patients across borders. It facilitates discussion on complex or rare diseases that require highly specialised treatment and concentrated knowledge and resources. The MetabERN is driven by the principle of patient-centred care and a culture of continuous quality improvement.
In the NCIMD, we have a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience in the acute and long-term management of metabolic disorders. The NCIMD is approved to provide training in paediatric inherited metabolic diseases by the European Academy of Paediatrics.
Patient & Family News

Patient & Family News

Video recording on how to access and use our new QR codes.
You may have seen in the metabolic unit that we have many new posters with QR codes. QR codes are a type of barcode that allow us to access online information. This allows you to scan a code on you mobile phone, access and save a document to your mobile phone. All of our diet sheets and dietary information now have QR codes. Watch Here
Patient & Family News

Read the latest edition of our Low Protein E-Newsletter for December 2024, with everything you need to know about how to join our Brave Buds Challenge!
You can also read previous editions and subscribe to the newsletter from the link below:
https://mailchi.mp/cuh/low-protein-e-news-december-2024 If you would like to contribute to our newsletter, please get in touch through metabolic.dietitans@childrenshealthireland.ieUpdates on vaccines
Update on flu vaccines for those with inherited metabolic disorders.
We have received updated research on the advice for flu vaccinations for patients with inherited metabolic disorders (IMD)