PKU Association of Ireland meeting

The next PKU Association of Ireland meeting is on the 28th August 2017 at 7.30pm in the Hilton Dublin Hotel on the canal.   Please note that this event is not organised by the NCIMD. Details are posted here to help publicise the event. The NCIMD does not accept responsibility for any content, inaccuracies […]

Congratulations Orla

Ms Orla Purcell,  our senior metabolic dietitian, won 1st place for her oral presentation on growth patterns in the Irish HCU population at the Temple Street Bi- Annual Research, Clinical Audit and QI Day. Well Done Orla!!    

Temple Street Bi-Annual Research, Clinical Audit and QI day

There were lots of posters and presentations at the Temple Street Bi-Annual Research, Clinical Audit and QI day by the metabolic team. Congratulations to all involved, Orla Purcell (senior metabolic dietitian), Emma Lally (metabolic dietitian), Yvonne Rodgers (Senior Clinical Psychologist), Dr Jennifer Finnegan, Rachel Finnegan (ERT co-ordinator) and Amy Craddock (senior dietitian). Well done to all!

HCU Patient-Expert Meeting, Brazil

The 2nd International Homocystinurias Patient-Expert Meeting will take place on September 4th 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The meeting is scheduled as a pre-meeting to the 13th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. See the following for more details: Please note that this event is not organised by the NCIMD. Details are […]

Change in target Phe levels for PKU management

The European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria were recently published. These guidelines were developed by a group of 17 well known European PKU experts. The group was made up of biochemists, dietitians, metabolic paediatricians, metabolic adult physicians and psychologists. In line with these new European Guidelines as of July 1st 2017, we are changing our target phenylalanine […]

National Children’s CNS Seminar 2017

The Second National Children’s CNS Seminar was held in the AMNCH Auditorium, Tallaght Hospital on Thursday 25th May 2017. The theme of the day was “Children’s Specialist Nursing – A Changing Landscape”.   The Metabolic Nurse Specialists (Celine Stenson and Maria O’Regan) won first prize for their poster presentation on the day. The title of their […]

Important change in Lucozade recipe

Lucozade drinks are changing their recipe to reduce the sugar content by 50%. Aspartame will be used instead which is contraindicated for all PKU and Tyrosinaemia patients. The change in sugar content will also effect patients who use Lucozade as part of their unwell plan or management for hypoglycaemia. Please note there will not be a […]