Book Launch 27th October 2015

On the morning of October 27th, the Metabolic Outpatients Department was transformed for the ‘premiere’ launch of the new book developed by Jill Moore (Play Specialist) and Jenny McNulty (Dietitian). The new book is called ‘Penny and Paul have PKU’ and is designed to educate children on the importance of the synthetic protein in the management of their PKU. A puppet show of the story was the main event of the morning. There was also lots of magic, balloon modelling, face painting and fun was had by all. There was a great turnout. Pick up your copy of the new book in clinic over the coming weeks. Books have also been developed for the other protein disorders. Special guests on the day included Elsa from ‘Frozen’ and Michael Darragh Macauley with the Sam Maguire Cup.

Books                 Jill & Jenny






Our special drinksElsa & puppets








Michael dara & puppets






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