The staff in the NCIMD are delighted that our Centre was recently awarded a Certificate of Training Recognition by the European Academy of Paediatrics of the European Union of Medical Specialists Organization (U.E.M.S.).  This award recognises our Centre as an approved site to provide training in Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Diseases.

Historically, the Centre has trained medical, dietetic, nursing and health and social care professionals (HSCPs) who have gone on to take up posts around the world (e.g. United Kingdom, European Union Countries, Australia and Middle Eastern Countries).  To have been awarded this accreditation by the EAP U.E.M.S. is invaluable.

Our Centre, our patient service and our training programme were formally assessed over two days last September 2019.  Prior to the visit, a significant amount of time and effort was put into completing the requisite application form and documentation.  During the formal site visit, all involved in delivering our service met with the assessors and presented on their work.  There was representation from medical, nursing, dietetics, laboratory, in-patient ward, outpatient department, intensive care staff, HSCP staff, research staff, hospital management and the Irish Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (ISIMD).  Over the two days that the assessors were on site, they carefully inspected our service from a holistic perspective.  This included examination of staffing, facilities, policies, procedures, structure and delivery of training.

We would like to congratulate everyone involved in this initiative; it is a testament to the dedication, commitment and expertise of all our staff and services involved in the care of our patients.

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