To our patients and families:

We are aware that the virus COVID-19 (Corona virus) may be causing some worry and confusion among our patients and families.

We recommend that you follow the advice of the HSE and Government bodies.  The following websites are updated daily where you will find the latest information about COVID-19:

HSE website:

HPSC website, which is updated at 1pm daily:

Dept. of Health website:

The WHO has a good hand washing demonstration video with subtitles, providing good basic information on precautions you can take.  It is available to watch at:

We advise you to follow your usual guidelines on illness in relation to your metabolic condition and maintain contact with the Metabolic Team in relation to ANY illness.

We will inform you if any changes need to be made to your outpatient appointments with the Metabolic Unit.

The Metabolic Team.

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