We will be celebrating International PKU Day again this year with our annual Mad Hatters’ Phe Party. It will take place on Wednesday, June 19th from 10am to 1pm in the Metabolic Unit, Temple Street Hospital.
This year, we would like to introduce our ‘PKU Supporters’ Club’. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. We say that it takes a family to support a child with PKU.
We would like to hear your stories. Mums and dads, sisters and brothers, are all great to help you with your diet. Who else helps you?
Maybe your Nana or Grandad?
Maybe your cousin or friend?
Maybe your teacher or your coach?
Take an A4 sheet of paper. Attach a photograph of you with your supporter or supporters. Write a short story underneath your photograph, telling us how this person helps you with your diet.
Send it to us:
Celine Stenson/Maria O’Regan, Metabolic Nurse Specialists, Metabolic Unit, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin 1.
Send it to us before Friday, June 7th. Everyone who sends us their story will be entered into a draw for a prize.
Watch out on our website for more news of our celebrations for this day!
The Metabolic Team.